Check Order Status

Production Time

Standard Production – NO fee is paid. Your order will be ready 7 business days after the order was placed. Each time an order is placed on hold the production/ delivery time starts over. If you have not paid a “Express or Rush” Fee, please do not expect your order to be completed in that time frame. If by chance your order is completed earlier than scheduled, It is generally a courtesy.

Rush Production – You have paid for a delivery date of 4 business days from the date you placed your order. This fee is Non-Refundable. 

Express Production – A fee is paid for express service. Your order will be delivered by closing on the next business day. If you have placed your order on a weekend. Your order will be delivered by Monday closing or Tuesday before 12 noon depending on the order. This fee is Non-Refundable. 

Super Express – Same Day Production (We close when the job is completed)

Order Fulfillment

Each order goes through a series of “Order Status” changes: Here are the steps:

Processing – Your payment has been received.

Pending Payment – We have not received you cash or Zelle transfer, your order will automatically cancel after 2 hours.

Stock Hold – We have ordered you blank items, we are currently waiting for the stock to arrive in store.

Artwork Hold – We have sent the artwork via email. We are waiting on you to respond.

Hold – Please call the store immediately.

Artwork – Your order is in line for artwork. We cannot skip the line. Your delivery date will decided when your order moves from this status. Customer supplied art files are printed as-is. We don-not call or verify placement of your files. No proof will be sent.

Printing –  Your order has been assigned to a staff member. Each day is different. We cannot give you an exact time your order will be completed. We can only guarantee that you will receive your order on the “exact delivery date” which you have chosen. Our store closes after the last job for that day is printed. Please be patient and wait for an update on your order before coming to the store.

Completed – Orders are packaged and ready for shipping.  It will be shipped on the next ship day. We ship orders on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.  We cannot at this point open packages to send picture of the completed work to each customer.

Hold For Pick up – You have 48hrs to pick up your order in store before it is shipped. Call or email for a longer hold time.  Please have your order number ready.

Closed – Order has been shipped out or pickup by customer. Order Closed.

All status changes are automatically emailed to each customer. If you have not received an update, please check your spam folder.   


The products sold by our print shop are custom printed and therefore not eligible for returns. 

However, if the printed items are defective due to the printing process or if they were damaged , the order may be eligible for a refund or reprint at no cost to the customer.  At that time, all costs associated with returning items will solely be the responsibility of the customer.

You should inspect all products as soon as you get your order. If any products are defective or appears to have been damaged, you may contact our Support team for help in resolving the issue by emailing at  Include your order number, contact information and proof of the defects/damage. Issues must be raised within 24 hours from the date you receive it (or the date it was scheduled to arrive).

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs if you choose to return any items. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Certain circumstances are beyond our control but we cannot be responsible for returns and refunds as a result of errors made by our customers, such as spelling or incorrect color choices, incorrect sizes etc.

We offer CUSTOM printed items which means that custom orders can not be resold. Therefore we cannot refund, replace or cancel because a customer has decided to change their mind on an order. Depending on the status of your order, management will determine if at all the customer is eligible for a refund.


Once we have received your email and pictures regarding issues & your returned order, review the pictures and notify you of the next step to follow in order to rectify the issues. Please be mindful that we only communicate through email, so each and every contact is documented. Calling will not help to resolve the issue. Please send an email first.

If a company issue is detected, (a) we may offer a reprint of the order at no additional cost to the customer rather than issuing a refund, (b) we will initiate a refund to your credit card (or original method of payment) within 7-10 days, You will receive the credit within a certain amount of days, depending on your card issuer’s policies. We reserve the right to have you return the original printed order before reprinting or refunding your order. Please note that all EXPRESS, RUSH, INSTALLATION, EMBROIDERY, ARTWORK, PROCESSING OR ANY OTHER FEES are 100% non-refundable.

Certain circumstances are beyond our control but we cannot be responsible for returns and refunds as a result of errors made by our customers, such as spelling or incorrect color choices, incorrect sizes etc.

We offer CUSTOM printed items which means that custom orders can not be resold. Therefore we cannot refund, replace or cancel because a customer has decided to change their min on an order. Depending on the status of your order, management will determine if at all the customer is eligible for a refund.


All Cancellations will receive a 50% cancellation Fee. Cancellation of orders are only accepted when your order is in “processing” status. Once your order has reached “confirmed status”. NO cancellation will be accepted without the 50% fee being deducted. Steps to cancellation: (1) Notify management via telephone contact 407-715-4906 ext 6 to stop the order. (2), Follow up with a notification via email address:

You will receive a follow up email with the amount of your refund. Please note: any order which is not formally cancelled in writing and has continued to be processed, customer will be liable for the full cost of the order and therefore will be not eligible for any refund.

Certain circumstances are beyond our control but we cannot be responsible for returns and refunds as a result of errors made by our customers, such as spelling or incorrect color choices, incorrect sizes etc.

We offer CUSTOM printed items which means that custom orders can not be resold. Therefore we cannot refund, replace or cancel because a customer has decided to change their min on an order. Depending on the status of your order, management will determine if at all the customer is eligible for a refund.

We reserve the right to update and revise this Returns & Refund Policy without prior notice to reflect changes in our policies and services.


Reprints are ineligible for any REFUNDS, CANCELLATION AND/OR RETURNS. When a customer has ordered a “Reprint” job. This means that you have viewed the item and have agreed to the repurchasing of said item.  Under no circumstances will a refund be issued.


We will provide the schools with any updates or changes to uniform prices with reasonable notice. However we operate independently and autonomously in our respective areas of expertise. Customers purchasing uniform items: Uniform items are non-refundable/ non-exchangeable. If there are any issues or concerns regarding purchased items. Please speak to management immediately.

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